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Dating By Storm Onsite Rules


                                                                                               DATING BY STORM: ONSITE RULES

Here at DBS, the safety, security, and well being of our members is a priority, and strictly enforced.  This list is likely to change and evolve as the site gets older, so it is a great idea to check here frequently.  In line with this thinking, below are a set of rules every member is expected to follow, and your continued use of the site means that you agree to do so.

#1.      Members are prohibited from any kind of harrassment.  This includes, but is not limited to: body or kink shaming, online bullying, racial or other disrespectful remarks, and online stalking.  This includes all intereactions in personal messages, chat rooms, feed posts, or any where else that members may interact on the site.

#2.      Members are strongly encouraged to message and interact with other members who are looking for identical things from the site.  For example, if one member says they are looking for a committed relationship, you should only message that person if you are looking for the same.  Or, if someone is looking for casual sex or dating, you should message or interact with them if you are also looking for casual sex/dating.
    In time, should too many reports be filed because of some members not paying attention to this, we at DBS will take the steps to make it impossible to message someone who isnt looking for the same things you are.  Please keep this in mind.
    If you are a member who doesn't really have one particular reason you are on the site, make your profile all inclusive to the things you would be open to.  Example given:  if you really want a relationship, but are open to friends, or even casual sex/dating until you find the person you want, then say that on your profile!  It will make things easier for everyone!

#3.    GHOSTING / IGNORING - While we understand that the world of online dating can often be overwhelming, and sometimes even a downright hassle, the bottom line is that we are all adults, and here in the Dating By Storm Community, we need to act like adults.
    It is understood that we all have lives, and sometimes our time can be very limited, however, it is expected that each and every member will make the effort to reply to all messages, even if simply to say NOT INTERESTED, or NOT NOW.  Dating By Storm is not currently going to set a time limit on this, but each member should make reasonable attempts at replying within a week.
    On the other side of this, every member needs to realize that if someone is not interested in you, that is the end of the story.  It isn't personal, or an attack against you.  It is simply the preference of the other person, and you need to treat it as such, and respect it.
    As for Ghosting, if you have been talking with someone, and no longer feel as if you want to communicate with them, politely say so, and then move on!  Treat others in this community as you would like to be treated!
    If Ghosting or ignoring others becomes a large issue, steps will be taken on the accounts in question.

#4.     REPORTING - If any member sees behavior that is not in line with, or violates the onsite rule, or even the terms and conditions, you are expected to report such behavior so that it can be investigated and dealt with accordingly.  Unlike many other sites and programs, the rules here exost for a reason, and will be enforced to the best of our ability.  If you are a victim or the recipient of anything set forth in these rules, please contact the mods directly so it can be resolved swiftly.


Thank you in advance for coming to Dating By Storm, and also for your cooperation!